Jeffrey Krichmar
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., George Mason University
Research Interests: cognitive robotics, computational models of learning and memory, effect of neural architecture on neural function, embodiment
Lab: Cognitive Anteater Robotics Laboratory
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Nikil Dutt
Chancellor's Professor, Computer Science, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1989
Research Interests: Embedded and distributed computer systems, electronic design automation, computer architecture,  neuromorphic computing.
Lab:  Dutt Research Group
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile



Pierre Baldi
Chancellor's Professor, Computer Science, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Ph.D.,  Mathematics, California Institute of Technology
Research Interests: AI, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology
Lab: Intelligent Systems Laboratory


Alyssa A. Brewer
Assistant Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
M.D., Stanford Medical School | Ph.D., Neuroscience, Stanford University
Research Interests: neuroimaging of visual perception, visual deficits, and neurological disorders
Lab: Laboratory of Visual Neuroscience
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Lawrence Cahill
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences
PH.D., University of California, Irvine, 1990
Research Interests: neural mechanisms of emotionally influenced memory
Lab: Cahill Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Chuansheng Chen
Psychology and Social Behavior
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Research Interests: Culture, ethnicity, and adolescent development; brain imaging of language and mathematical learning; culture and creativity; methodological issues in cross-cultural research
Lab: Laboratory for Within-Culture and Cross-Cultural Studies of Human Development
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Steven Cramer
Associate Professor, Neurology, Anatomy & Neurobiology, School of Medicine
M.D., University of Southern California, 1988, Medicine | M.S., Harvard Medical School, 1997, Clinical Investigation
Research Interests: Stroke; Spinal Cord Injury; Motor System; Plasticity after CNS Injury; Brain Imaging
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Charlie Chubb
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, NYU, 1985
Research Interests: Visual perception, Mathematical modeling, Histogram contrast analysis
Lab: Chubb-Wright Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Mike D'Zmura
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D. University of Rochester 1990
Research Interests:  Vision, speech, attention
Lab: Cognitive NeuroSystems Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Barbara Dosher
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D. University of Oregon 1977
Research Interests: Human information processing, memory retrieval, attention, visual perception
Lab: Memory Attention Perception Laboratory 
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Ron Frostig
Professor, Neurobiology & Behavior
Ph.D. UCLA 1985
Research Interests: Functional imaging of cortical plasticity
Lab: Frostig Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Nicole Gage
Assistant Researcher and Director, Cognitive Neurosciences of Language Lab
Research Interests: neural substrates of human speech and language, using behavioral, psychophysical, and neuroimaging (magnetoencephalography, or MEG) techniques, with parallel lines of investigation: healthy adults and children, and children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism.
Lab: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab

Emily Grossman
Associate Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences

Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 2002, Psychology
Research Interests: neural basis of visual perception, biological motion
Lab: Visual Perception and Neural Imaging
UCI Faculty Profile

Gregory S. Hickok
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
PH.D., Brandeis University
Research Interests: neuroanatomy of language, neural plasticity, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience
Lab: Auditory and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Donald D. Hoffman
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Professor , Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science
Professor, Philosophy, School of Humanities
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983
Research Interests: Vision, mind-body problem
Lab: Hoffman Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Mary Louise Kean
Professor Emeritus, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975, Linguistics
Research Interests: Cognitive neuropsychology, biological foundation of higher mental processes
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Frithjof Kruggel
M.D., Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany, 1989
Research Interests: Biomedical image analysis, brain functioning, morphometry of the human brain
Lab: Signal and Image Processing Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Mimi Liljeholm

Assistant Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Research Interests: Neural and computational bases of cognition, perception and action.
Lab: Learning and Decision Neuroscience Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

David Lyon
Assistant Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology, School of Medicine
Ph.D. Vanderbilt University, 2001
Research Interests: Visual Cortex, Dorsal Pathway, Pulvinar Nucleus, Optical Imaging, Single Cell Electroporation, Rabies Virus
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

James McGaugh
Research Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences
Ph.D. Physiological Psychology, UC Berkeley 1959
Research Interests: Neurobiology of learning and memory
Lab: McGaugh Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Kourosh Saberi
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1993
Research Interests: Auditory perception and neuroimaging, music perception, spatial hearing, psychophysics
Lab: Saberi Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

George Sperling
UCI Distinguished Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
UCI Distinguished Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences

Ph.D., Harvard University, 1959
Research Interests: Empirical studies of human information processing. Mathematical, computational, and neural models of visual processes. Brain imaging: EEG, MEG, fMRI.
Lab: Human Information Processing Laboratory
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Craig Stark
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences
Ph.D., Carnegie Melon University
Research Interests: Learning and memory.
Lab: Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Memory


Mark Steyvers
Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., Indiana University
Research Interests:  higher-order cognition, machine learning, joint models for behavioral and neuroimaging data
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Ramesh Srinivasan
Associate Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences

Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Tulane University
Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Development, Consciousness, Perception, EEG, Brain Dynamics
Lab: Human Neuroscience Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Charles E. Wright
Associate Professor, Cognitive Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Research Interests: Cognitive psychology, human motor control, Fitts task, aimed movements, handwriting, immersive virtual reality, 1/f noise, quantitative models.
Lab: Chubb-Wright Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Norman M. Weinberger
Research Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences
Ph.D., Western Reserve University, 1961, Psychology
Research Interests: Neurobiology of learning and memory, cortical plasticity, auditory system, cholinergic function, music
Lab: Weinberger Lab
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile

Fan-Gang Zeng
Professor, Otolaryngology, School of Medicine

PH.D., Syracuse University, 1990
Research Interests: Cochlear Implant, Auditory Neuroscience, Psychophysics, Speech Perception, Auditory Neuropathy
Publications | UCI Faculty Profile